Gravoi Miners in 1956

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Gravoi Miners in 1956
Gravoi Miners in 1956

Two photos of the mining crew. Someone's missing..
Location: The Town Hall
2 Townhall.png
Gravoi Miners in 1956
Gravoi Miners in 1956

Two photos of the mining crew. Someone's missing..
Location: Umberto's House
14 MinerHouse.png
Paul quote.png
"They cut my father out of the official picture! but Why?"

How to get

This clue counts as 2 and you need to check both to get credit. Only checking 1 will not give you any credit and your total will not increase. These are located on the 1st floor of both Umberto's House and The Town Hall. These will not be available during Paul's or Sergio's flashback. You will need to enter the builds before or after the respective flashbacks to be able to collect the pictures.